When trying to relieve your Cleveland area home from excessive dryness, it is likely you use a home humidifier. When using the humidifier to add moisture to the air, you may have noticed a fine white dust on your furniture that is nearby. This dust is a result of minerals that are in the water. Over time, the minerals can build up in your humidifier and reduce the efficiency of the unit, or cause it to stop working at all. Preventing mineral buildup is an easy and inexpensive way to keep your humidifier running properly.
Begin by unplugging the humidifier and removing the tank and the housing. If the filter is washable, place it in hot water and add some undiluted white vinegar. Allow it to soak while you work on the humidifier. Carefully pour vinegar intoImage may be NSFW.
Clik here to view. the base where water normally enters to become mist and allow it to sit for about twenty minutes.
Meanwhile, wash the water tank in hot, soapy water. If there are any visible mineral deposits, soften them with vinegar and scrub them away with a cloth or soft brush. If you wish to disinfect the tank while the unit is disassembled, fill it with fresh water and add a quarter cup of bleach. Set the tank aside.
Empty the vinegar from the base and wipe it with a clean cloth. If you can still see mineral deposits, you may want to carefully loosen them with a soft brush and rinse carefully. Rinse the filter and tank with clean water and reassemble your home humidifier. Performing this maintenance weekly will prevent future buildup and extend the life of your humidifier.
Geisel Heating, Air Conditioning and Plumbing can help you with your home’s humidity. Serving Cleveland and surrounding areas for nearly 80 years, we can provide you with the best solution for your needs.
Credit/Copyright Attribution: “First Settler/Shutterstock”
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